nourishment going light ~ feeding body mind and soul
the desire for produces the fulfillment of
the reception of fulfills the creation of
that which desires to create
in the realization - manifestation - of that original vibration
whether it be spores carried on cosmic currents to land on fertile earth or seeds borne thru time carried by wind animals humans
each cultivating its own unique destiny via this inter-dependent inter-active multi-dimensional bio-spirit co-creative process
ever in evolution
ever in expansion
broaden the bandwidth
open the aperture
see a clear vision
of just how magical
this experience of being alive is
in all its aspects from every angle
that revelation is available at every instant
with every breath and every heart beat
from within you
and all around you
at all times
this current of life energy power
this unified field
the source point
that all thought action and being
comes forth from
and returns to
tap in
in the early spring when the seeds fall to earth, all things are made ready - this is an image of providing nourishment through movement and tranquility - the superior person take it as a pattern for the nourishment and cultivation of their character - words are a movement going from within outward - eating and drinking are movements from without inward - both kinds of movement can be modified by tranquility - for tranquility keeps the words that come out of the mouth from exceeding proper measure, and keeps the food that goes into the mouth from exceeding proper measure - thus character is cultivated - hexagram 27. ta ch’u
tranquility - free from agitation of mind and spirit, free from disturbance and turmoil, unvarying in aspect, steady, stable
11/11 reflections
the more you are aligned to your inner core - connected to source, the more magic synchronicity abundance and joy you will experience
this is a true story - i am second generation landed e.t. (tho all earth tribes have star ancestors) - on 11/11 four mayan technicians were atop our geodesic spaceship performing an upgrade - after hours of working (to music, while singing and laughing), mysteriously and suddenly they vanished - and an event we were anticipating having to miss due to their unexpected arrival, we were then able to actually do due to their unexpected departure - and what we did was a synchronized group walking meditation for the world on 11/11 at 11:11 with more than 140,000 other human beings in 160+ countries - after following the research of those who organized it for 20 years, doing our own research for 30 years and having a lifetime of experience with meditation this event proved to be a powerful demonstration of heart mind coherence and focused collective consciousness - generating a resonant field of pure intention love peace healing and change for the whole planet - the energy levels felt reveal a new dimension of applied connectivity opening up to humankind - to step into sovereignty and cosmic citizenship - to step into the future - we chose utopia
so on this very day after the vanishing, and this high vibration network orchestrated global coherence event, what followed was a profound serenity quiet and peace - right into a creative evening flow - with a poetry reading captured on video to share - in the middle of reciting a poem theres an incoming call - a fellow agent of the light - a fellow vegan, a mexican american, a spiritual person, calling to send me 11/11 greetings and blessings - after the reading which is 11:11 in duration with total on the fly spontaneity - i call him back - recollecting that just prior to shooting this video i sampled a vegan traditional mexican cacao disc (round! and triangles, like a geo dome!) - outstanding fair trade organic chocolate - he answers the call and a powerfully uplifting conversation unfolds - we speak of prayer and sanctuary and a thought occurs - that desire for sanctuary is universal - all feel it - all want it - in some way or another - at the core - the innocent ones reflect it back so clearly - just look at the faces of children - and all beings seeking refuge in the warmth of loving kindness - care - connection - protection - home - and this whole space vibrates that very energy - a sanctuary
the mayans reappeared three days later atop the crystal dome to place the capstone on the pyramid processor and celebrate completion - the spectrum of satisfaction in doing the good work and being unconditionally cooperative with the universe depends on vibration - true love is the highest offering - the highest vibrations per second - limitless oscillating vibrating energy - literally exactly what it says - and what you give is what you get - the mexican and these mayans are very loving human beings - skilled - talented - competent - dedicated - appreciative - joyful - humble - pure - that which is like unto itself, is drawn - is law - and LOVE is the whole of the law
i had a piece of this chocolate disc amidst capturing the men performing their magic with my high tech digital third eye and felt another synchronicity - and as i now sit by the fire typing this reflection i sample yet another piece - it is divine - it truly is divine - sweet chocolate and vanilla euphoria in one bite - fair trade - organic - recycled paper - zero waste - small world network - etc. - it has been more than just chocolate in these 4 days of slow savoring - but an extra sensory perception of connection at a next level - how sweet it all is - how magical it all is - the more you focus upon this magic the more you will see it the more you experience it and the more you start really participating in it - RPG - what roles are you playing - we chose utopia so skys the limit - nothing can stop an idea whose time has come and the idea of good is the universal politic - resolved to unity gain - gain without loss - this sweet treat - that so many hands hearts and minds had a part in bringing to my hands and mouth - food of the gods which i was able to enjoy by making clothing for others with my own hands and heart - all of us working together in a magnificent harmony - and that’s just the chocolate - how bout the computer i’m typing this on - or the world wide telecommunications system these words travel on - or the mycelium and micro-organisms in the soil where these plants grew - and every single other element in our lives has the same golden thread woven thru it - the fabric of reality - just how much goes into making it all happen - think about it a moment - for real - shine a spotlight on it - reflect on how good life really is - an unfathomable magnitude of goodness cooperation and wellbeing in truth - plenty to take care of and balance yet, but more than plenty to work with to do it
the surest path to illumination is the practice of appreciation - upgrade your o.s. - synchronize your aperture - its a neu earth era - we chose utopia - a tidal wave of goodwill health wealth peace and prosperity looms on the event horizon - living should be fun - keep this love alive
this is a true story - no names were changed because none were used needed or relevant - yet all participants and events are real
the magic is real
and really who would want to live in a reality that isn’t magical - that isn’t loving - that isn’t spontaneous and free - it isn’t really living otherwise
blessed be the cacao bean - blessed be the camera - blessed be the laptop - blessed be the wifi - blessed be the wood stove - blessed be the fire - blessed be any and all input - that raises the vibration higher
live music from the crystal dome, check it out… keepThis.mp3
you do not belong to you - you belong to the universe - the significance of you will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume you are fulfilling your significance if you apply yourself to converting all you experience to highest advantage to others - to make the world work, for 100% of humanity and all life aboard this spaceship earth, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation, without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone or anything
think of it - we are blessed with technology that would be indescribable to our forefathers - we have the wherewithal, the know-it-all to feed everybody, clothe everybody, and give every human on earth a chance - we know now what we could never have known before, that we now have the option for all humanity to make it successfully on this planet in this lifetime - whether it is to be utopia or oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment
nature loves courage - nature LOVES courage - you make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles - dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up - this is the trick - this is how magic is done