

clothing | art | studio | light | source

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readings beneath the poet tree ep1


its not who does it
its just that it gets done

seed becomes plant yields fruit produces seed in a cycle of life
the physical seed plant fruit is the conduit of source energy
to express unity in diversity - unity is a minimum of two
creatively expressing oneness - in endless expansion

its not who fulfills the role
its just that the role is fulfilled

so many amazing people doing amazing things so many stories

but what happens when everyone is amazing everyone is brilliant everyone has a beautiful story

because its happening now

the story changes

it becomes about amazing people doing amazing things together

telling a new story thru a co-creative lens

it becomes about

what we do together
what gets done
when we do it together

because its happening now

the story continues

we tell it in each moment with each breath

what matters most is that it occurs
who it occurs thru is as vital as it is irrelevant
in that what needs to be done
and those who elect to do it
make up the whole process

it becomes about the simple joy of participating in such magic
of actually being alive
of being able to experience such a thing
of being able to facilitate
to each other in such a way
thru our individual telemetry
thru our unique form

beyond the name
beyond the form
the energy that animates all
is the loving embrace
to eternity
from infinity
for every

next transmission . previous transmission

clothing | art | studio | light | source